Email reminders and alerts are email messages sent to case managers, supervisors and management leading up to a due date and/ or after a due date has been missed for a required action in a case. These email reminders and alerts are role-dependent and are based on specified date range thresholds for different types of required actions.
Email reminders include:
(click the reminder type for more detail)
Medical Reminders
Mother / Father Contact (Bio Visit) Reminders
K12 Reminder
A reminder is an email message sent to users leading up to a due date for a specific required action on a case.
Medical Reminders are designed to identify children who require an upcoming medical service (medical or dental) or do not have immunizations on file and should. The email includes the case, case worker, child and required service dates. The emails are constructed as follows:
Supervisor is in the TO: field.
Case workers are in the CC: field.
Mother / Father Contact / Bio Visit Reminders
Case workers are in the TO: field.
Supervisors is in the CC: field.
K12 Reminders
Case workers are in the TO: field.
Supervisors is in the CC: field.
How Often Are Reminders Sent?
By default, Email message reminders are submitted once daily but can be configured to be on any interval desired.
Alerts (Recipients: Supervisors & Case Managers)
An alert is an email message sent to supervisors when a specific required action on a case is past due. Case managers are copied (CC) on each alert.
Management Alerts (Recipients: Management, Supervisors & Case Managers)
CBC management will be copied on an email alert when a pre-defined threshold for a required action has past.
How Often Are Alerts Sent?
Email message alerts are sent to supervisors once daily.
Can Email Reminders and Alerts be Customized?
Yes, email reminders and alerts can be customized to the individual requirements of each Community-based Care Agency. For more information, visit “Customizing Email Alerts and Reminders”.
Tags: case managers, Email Alerts, Management, Reminders, Supervisors