Medical Reminders

There are three types of Medical Reminders: Immunizations, Medical Services and Dental Services. This table shows the what, why and when of medical reminders you'll receive from Mindshare. This includes the type of service, the requirement for the service type and the date range for the reminder for each service type. These date ranges are based on the number of days since the last service of that type.  By default, reminders and alerts are sent daily but can be a different frequency (such as 1 reminder per week until the conditions are met).


Understanding Medical Reminders



Reminder / Alert Type




Date Range for Reminder / Alert

Immunization(s) Immunizations must be on file for all children in out of home care. If there is no Immunization on file, a reminder will be sent.
Medical Services Medical visits are to be completed for out of home children who are in care greater than 5 days.

Days since the last medical visit are between the 351st day and the 365th day.

If there is no last medical visit on file for a child deemed to require a medical visit, a reminder will be sent.

Dental Services Dental visits are to be completed for out of home children who are in care greater than 188 days and are 3 years of age or older.

Days since the last dental visit are between the 168th day and the 183rd day.


If there is no last dental visit on file for a child deemed to require a medical visit, a reminder will be sent.


Customizing Reminders

The Lead Agency can customize the date ranges for reminders and the frequency of reminders.


See Also

What Are Email Reminders & Alerts?

Tags: Email Alerts, Reminders
Last update:
2015-02-13 03:33
Bridget Donovan
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