Mindshare's Caseworker Mobile App is designed to make your life easier and save you time. The App not only gives you on-the-go access to your caseload but also provides a superior method for collecting and submitting case notes, dependent photos, and K12 report cards to FSFN.
How Does It Work?
Mindshare's user-friendly features and functions support the day-to-day work effort of caseworkers and case managers. Using information stored in FSFN, the Mindshare Mobile App displays your caseload in a list view or a in a map view.
Visual Reminders
Color-coded indicators give you an instant visual of which cases need your most immediate attention. Details for each dependent in the case show past due alerts, needs attention reminders and up-to-date indicators when medical, dental, mother and father contacts and many other types of task assignments.
Task Assignment Indicators for Each Dependent in the Case
The App puts all of this at your fingertips, plus direct access to FSFN, all from the convenience of your mobiile device.
What Do I Need to Start to Using the Mindshare Caseworker Mobile App?
If you're not sure if your agency has Mindshare's Mobile App, ask your technical support contact in your IT Department today.
(Caseworker Mobile App iOS v.1.4.3)
Tags: mobile app