Tagged entries
- Is there user guide for the TeleShare features?
(22073 views) - How do I configure the App on a phone for the video meeting?
(21156 views) - Can more than one remote party join the video meeting?
(21260 views) - How do I grab a picture from the video meeting?
(22877 views) - Users who will conduct a video meeting see clarifications here!
(24775 views) - How to moderate a successful video meeting
(18935 views) - How to Log In to Mindshare as well as Access Support
(24431 views) - How to take a photograph during a video meeting
(6711 views) - I want the picture I take with Nimbus to default to a .JPG and note a .PNG
(17656 views) - About Mindshare's TeleShare
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- how do i enter activties (885x)
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