If you are CBC staff and desire to moderate a video meeting, please be aware of the following:
The video meeting requires a seperate at from the traditional Mindshare Mobile APP. They are different.
1. if you will use your computer (desktop or laptop) to moderate the video meeting, and your remote party will be using their computer (desktop or laptop):
- You must start the conference using a Chrome browser. Logging into Mindshare using Chrome will assure the video meeting starts correctly.
- You must provide your remote party the video meeting link ( via EMAIL). We recommend you invite participants using the Mindshare invitation panel.
- the remote party MUST use the video meeting link with a Chrome browser.
- If you are going to capture a photo to upload to FSFN, only you will need to install the Nimbus plug-in (not your remote party).
Chrome can be downloaded and installed for free using the following link:
The Nimbus plug in can be downloaded and installed for free by pasting this link into your chrome browser:
2. If you will use your computer (desktop or laptop) to moderate the video meeting, and your remote party will be using their phone or tablet:
- You must start the conference using a Chrome browser. Logging into Mindshare using Chrome will assure the video meeting starts correctly.
- You must provide your remote party the video meeting link (via TEXT message). We recommend you invite participants using the Mindshare invitation panel.
- Your remote party must use the video link you provided them and from the phone or tablet that will be used they must click the link.
- They will be prompted to either tap “download the meeting app” if they do not already have it or they will tap “Continue to the meeting app” if they already have it.
- If the remote party has to download the app first, after the download they will need to go back to the text message and click the link, than continue to the meeting.
3. If you will use your phone or tablet to moderate the video meeting (we do not recommend),
- you must first assure you have installed the meeting App.
- in the settings of the meeting app you must set the server URL to https://cprs.nfc01.org
- Create a meeting room using a unique identifier such as the case ID
- add a meeting password
- invite others and choose either a text message or email and send to your remote party. Do this for each participant.
This option is not as full feature as the case workspace, we are assuming that case managers have some access to FSFN via a browser, and as such have access to Mindshare via a browser. None the less, a video meeting can be conducted on a mobile device. However, photographs and case notes must be done seperately.
Tags: TeleShare