How do I receive technical support?

There are several ways to receive technical support.

  • If you are looking to report any major issue that requires immediate response; either an enhancment, defect or question, you should open a ticket with the Mindshare help desk. In order to open a help desk ticket you must have a userid and password to the Mindshare Help Desk Ticket System. If you do not, you can forward the request to your support representative that does. The ticket system can be access at the following URL:
  • Emailing techical support is also an option. To email support you can send an email to Be sure to include the Lead CBC that you represent, your role and the details of your question.
  • To speak with a support representative you can call 1-866-949-3293 x222. The Helpdesk is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Last update:
2015-05-05 15:43
Greg Povolny
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