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4 search results

  • Email Reminders: Medical Reminders
    Answer: There are three types of Medical Reminders: Immunizations, Medical Services and Dental Services. This table shows the what, why and when of medical reminders you'll ...
  • Email Reminders: What Are Mother / Father Contact (Bio Visit) Reminders?
    Answer:   A Mother / Father Contact Reminder is an email distributed to case managers and supervisors based on the following rules and date ranges. If the Mother / ...
  • Email Reminders: What Is a K12 Reminder?
    Answer: A K12 Reminder is an email distributed to case managers and supervisors based on the following rules and date ranges for completing K12 Reports cards ...
  • Permanency Reports: What Are Permanency Reports and Alerts?
    Answer: Stay alert to children’s length of stay in out-of-home care and other placement settings. With these Permanency Alerts, you can see the big picture in ...

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