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7 search results

  • Support: How do I receive technical support?
    Answer: There are several ways to receive technical support. If you are looking to report any major issue that requires immediate response; either an enhancment, defect or ...
  • Getting Started: How do I log in?
    Answer: Logging in requires several things. You must know your userid You must have a password (or you can set one initially) You must know the URL in which ...
  • Getting Started: How do I reset my password?
    Answer: Your password is initially set by the CBC or Mindshare administrator and can be provided to you over the phone or by Mindshare technical support. However, ...
  • Support: What Is Mindshare's Password Reset Policy?
    Answer: Password expiration for Mindshare’s web based applications is 45 days. ...
  • Support: What is the Mindshare Help Desk Ticket System?
    Answer: About the Mindshare Ticket System The Mindshare Ticket System is a tracker that allows distributed teams to capture and organize issues, assign work and follow team ...
  • iOS: How Do I Update a Photo Using My Mobile App?
    Answer: Begin by navigating to the dependent detail screen, also known as the child information view. From here, you can follow these steps to update a ...
  • TeleShare: Users who will conduct a video meeting see clarifications here!
    Answer: If you are CBC staff and desire to moderate a video meeting, please be aware of the following:     The video meeting requires a seperate at from ...

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